About Me

My name is Angela and I am a woman whose goal is to put a relationship with my Father God first and let the rest of my life flow out of that. Adoption is interwoven into practically every aspect of my life. I was fostered at age 1, adopted at age 8, made an adoption plan for my son at age 18 and became an adoptive mama at age 36. I also began working at an adoption agency at age 22 and have worked for both domestic and international adoption agencies ever since. I thank God for allowing me to work in an area that  is so much a part of who I am. To read about my personal adoption journey, click here.

This is my amazing family...

I have been married to this man for 17+ years and he is my best friend and partner in pretty much everything. His name is Paul and he loves his family and people well. He can fix or make just about anything from yummy food to houses.

These kids bring abundant joy to our lives. I love being with them and discovering life with them. Isobel is 14 and loves playing worship on her guitar and all things animals. She is a true farmer girl in the making. Jessica is 12 and loves serving others, cats and drawing by hand or on the computer. She is also very musical and I love when she plays her violin. Christian is 4 and is all boy but loves to help people, sing, fight with a sword, play drums and pray for people.

In addition to normal life we are a homeschool family who loves to camp, hike, and explore the creek near our house. Everyday is an adventure!

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